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About Geo-Boxes

Geo-Boxes have been created to allow students to have hands-on experiences with rocks, minerals, gems, and fossils to further their understanding and excitement in studying the Earth and all its processes. Various Geo-Boxes are targeted to specific Utah SEEd standards and concepts. Each box has a teacher's guide (also able to be downloaded from each box's page, *see links below*) which gives an overview of the box and subject, which standards are being taught, and ideas as to how the Geo-Box can be used in lessons. Specific lessons can also be downloaded at the links below.

Policies and check-out procedures

  • Geo-Boxes are generally kept for one week; two week check-out may be possible upon request.
  • Before requesting a Geo-Box, check the calendar (here) for availability. We do not consider requests more than four months in advance
  • The Geo-Boxes will be checked out from:

BYU Musuem of Paleontology
1683 North Canyon Road
Provo, Utah 84602

Open 9-5 M-F (pick-ups may be possible outside those hours upon request; please note in the comments if you require pick-up at a different time)

Parking is available at the front of the museum

Here's a look into some of our box contents!
malachite azurite.jpg
WOW box.jpg
leaf imprints fossil.jpg

Geo-Box Schedule/Checkout

The following calendar shows the current usage of each Geo-Box. The form following this can be used to request a box. Please specify the Monday of the week you wish to reserve a box. If you have questions about box availability please contact