Self-Guided Hiking Tour - BYU Geology Skip to main content

Self-Guided Hiking Tour

The self-guided tour will start from the pavilion area at the mouth of the canyon. Before beginning, be sure to familiarize yourself with the local compass directions. To do this, simply face yourself so you are looking up the canyon, this direction is directly east. While still facing the canyon, directly to your right is south, behind you is west, and directly to your left is north. Now that you know where your headed, let’s hike!

Here We Go!

The tour will take us from the pavilion area up to the Rock Canyon Campground with a few side trips in between. The tour has a total distance of a little more than 3 miles one way. The main trail is moderately sloped and is fairly wide most of the way up. The tour crosses the creek several times, however, there are bridges on all but two spots. The area is prone to rock slides and water run-off so be careful.

From the parking lot, head up the canyon to the east. Stop at the first gate next to the Bonneville Shoreline Pathway signpost.