Scott Ritter - BYU Geology Skip to main content
Scott Ritter

Scott Ritter


Office: S-371 ESC
Office: C-193 ESC (InvPaleo Carbonate Diss. Lab)

Meet Professor Scott Ritter


  • B.S., Brigham Young University, 1981
  • M.S., Brigham Young University, 1983
  • Ph.D. Carbonate Petrology & Invertebrate Paleontology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1986

Professional Background

I received my Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1986. From August 1986 until August 1991, I was Assistant Professor of Geology at Oklahoma State University. In 1991 I joined the faculty at BYU as an Associate Professor. I belong to the Geological Society of America, Paleontological Society, and Pander Society. I served as chairman for the Southcentral Section of the Geological Society of America from 1989-1990, as a corresponding member of the Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy (1991-1996), and as a USGS Volunteer for Science (1993-1996).


I teach both undergraduate and graduate courses including:

  • Geology 101: Introduction to Physical Geology 
  • Geology 103: Life of the Past 
  • Geology 480: Invertebrate Paleontology 
  • Geology 410: Summer Field Camp 
  • Geology 574: Advanced Stratigraphy 
  • Geology 580: Advanced Paleontology
  • Geology 671: Carbonate Sedimentology 


  • Clark Wilkinson Thesis: Stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the lower and middle San Andres Formation, Last Chance Canyon, New Mexico (1990), currently a Ph.D. candidate in geology at Baylor University. 
  • Randall Skinner Thesis: Sequence stratigraphy and conodont biostratigraphy of the subsurface Mustang Field, Utah.
  • Chen Jia Thesis: Sequence stratigraphy of the Bridal Veil Limestone, Oquirrh Group, Cascade Mountain, Utah.


  • Stevens, Calvin H.; Stone, Paul; Magginetti, Robert T.; Ritter, Scott M, 2015, "Stratigraphy and Paleogeographic Significance of a Late Pennsylvanian to Early Permian channeled slope sequence in the Darwin Basin, Southern Darwin Hills, East-central California. Stratigraphy vol. 12, pp. 185-196.
  • Ritter, S.M., C.R. Osborn, and C. Goodrich, 2013, Sedimentology and Reservoir Characteristics of the Lower Triassic (Smithian) Sinbad Limestone Member of the Moenkopi Formation, San Rafael Swell, Utah. In, T.H. Morris and R. Ressetar, The San Rafael Swell and Henry Mountain Basin: Geological centerpiece of Utah, Utah Geological Association Publication 42, p. 199-222.
  • Ritter, S.M., Barrick, J. E., and Skinner, R.M., 2002, Conodont biostratigraphic framework of Desmoinesian through lower Missourian strata of the southwestern shelf of the Paradox Bain, Honaker Trail, Utah. Journal of Paleontology v. 76, p. 495-517.