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Josh LeMonte

Assistant Professor

Office: S-341 ESC


  • 2016 Ph.D. Environmental Soil Chemistry University of Delaware, Newark, DE
  • 2011 M.S. Environmental Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
  • 2009 B.S. Environmental Science Brigham Young University, Provo, UT


  • 2020 – Present Brigham Young University Assistant Professor

U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Center

  • 2019 – 2020 Program Manager, Intelligent Environmental Battlespace Awareness
  • 2018 – 2019 Soil & Sediment Geochemistry Interim Team Leader
  • 2016 – 2020 Research Soil Scientist (GS 13), Soil & Sediment Geochemistry Team, Environmental Laboratory

Undergraduate and Graduate Experience

  • 2011 – 2016 University of Delaware Teaching and Research Assistant
  • 2007 – 2011Brigham Young University Teaching and Research Assistant, Laboratory Manager
  • 2005 – 2007 Brigham Young University and Utah Dept. of Wildlife Resources Research Assistant and Wildlife Technician

Teaching Experience

  • Invited Guest Lecturer, Finger Printing Changes of Earth’s Skin: Applications of Geochemistry, Geological Sciences Departmental Seminar, Brigham Young University, January 2020.
  • Instructor, Royal School of Military Engineering Regiment, Operation of Environmental Toolkit for Expeditionary Operations, Minley, England. October 2019.
  • Instructor, Environmental Support Team Training, Operation of Environmental Toolkit for Expeditionary Operations, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Readiness Operations Center, Mobile, AL. April 2018, April 2019, March 2020.
  • Guest Lecturer, UNITE Pre-engineering Summer Program, U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program, My STEM Career Path, Grade 9 students from groups historically underserved in STEM disciplines, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS. June 2018.
  • Guest Lecturer, Vivian Burey Marshall STEM Pilot Initiative, U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program, My STEM Career Path, 100 students grades 6-10, Vicksburg, MS. February 2018.
  • Invited Guest Lecturer, Brigham Young University, Introduction to Soil Sciences, PWS 282. October 2017.
  • Invited Guest Lecturer, Brigham Young University, Department of Plant and Wildlife Sciences Departmental Seminar. October 2016.
  • Invited Guest Lecturer, Brigham Young University, Careers in Environmental Science, PWS 391R. October 2016.
  • Invited Guest Lecturer, Brigham Young University, Introduction to Soil Sciences, PWS 282. October 2016.
  • Instructor, Communicating Science to Non-Scientists, Plant and Life Sciences Departmental Seminar. University of Delaware, Newark, DE. February 2016.
  • Instructor, Communicating Your Science, Workshop for undergraduate and graduate students. University of Delaware, Newark, DE. November 2015.
  • Teaching Assistant, Environmental Soil Chemistry, Plant and Soil Sciences 608. Dr. Donald L. Sparks, Instructor. University of Delaware, Newark, DE. Winter Semester 2015.
  • Invited Guest Lecturer, Research: Into Darkness, EPSCOR Summer Scholars Lecture Series, University of Delaware, Newark, DE. June 2014.
  • Teaching Assistant, Soil and Plant Water Relations, Plant and Wildlife Sciences 511. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. Dr. Bryan G. Hopkins, Instructor. **
  • Teaching Assistant, Environmental Biology, Plant and Wildlife Sciences 150. Dr. Bryan G. Hopkins, Instructor. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. Winter Semester 2009, Summer Term 2010, and Fall Semester 2010.
  • Teaching Assistant, Principles of Biology, BIO 100. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. Bruce L. Webb, Instructor. Winter Semester 2010.


  • Program Manager, U.S. Army RDT&E 6.2 Applied Research/6.3 Advanced Technology Development Research Program. Team assembled from all 7 ERDC Laboratories, academia, other federal agencies, and numerous research personnel across many disciplines. April 2019 – Present.
  • Team Leader (acting), Soil and Sediment Geochemistry Team (14 researchers, BS to PhD level), Environmental Processes Branch, Environmental Laboratory, ERDC. 2018 – 2019.
  • ERDC Leadership Development Program I, FY18 Graduate.
  • Founding Chairman, PITCH:90 elevator pitch competition, University of Delaware. 2014 – 2015.
  • Co-founding organizer, Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Collaborative Lunch (ISECL4), University of Delaware. 2014-2016.
  • President, Environmental Science Club, Brigham Young University. 2008-2009.
  • Laboratory Manager, Biophysical Soil Chemistry Laboratory, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. 2007-2011.


(56 in total)

  • LeMonte, J.J. 2020. Intelligent Environmental Battlespace Awareness and Environmental Processes. US Army Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Laboratory Technical Awareness and Laboratory Knowledge Seminar Series. 01 Apr 2020. Vicksburg, MS, USA.
  • Chappell, M.A.; J.J. LeMonte; C.M. McGrath; R. Styles; M.A. Middleton; C.R. Miller. 2020. Quantitative soil analogies that statistically discriminate pedomorpholically based soil taxonomic designations using non-destructive, forensic compositional datasets. Olympus X-ray Symposium, “This Land is Our Land: Geochemistry, X-ray Analysis, and Environmental Assessment”. 13 Jan 2020. Austin, TX, USA.
  • LeMonte, J.J.; M.A. Chappell; C.L. Price; T.A. Douglas; K.J. Indest. 2019. The Impact of Warming Temperatures on Energetic Compounds in Subarctic Soils. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 10-13 Nov. 2019; San Antonio, TX, USA. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • LeMonte, J.J.; R. Tappero; J. Rinklebe; D.L. Sparks. 2019. How Future Sea Level Rise May Impact Legacy Arsenic in an Urban Soil. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 10-13 Nov. 2019; San Antonio, TX, USA. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Chappell, M.A.; C.M. McGrath; L.F. Miller; M.A. Middleton; C.R. Miller; C.L. Price; J.J. LeMonte. 2019. Predicting Langmuir Model Parameters Representing for Heterogonous Soil Types Described By Different Compositions. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 10-13 Nov.; San Antonio, TX, USA. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Chappell, M. A.; Seiter, J. M.; West, H. M.; Miller, L. F.; Negrete, M. E.; LeMonte, J. J.; Porter, B. E.; Price, C. L. 2019. Predicting 2,4-dintroanisole (DNAN) sorption on various soil “types” using different compositional datasets. In Abstracts, Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Price, C.; Chappell, M.; Shih, W.; Patel, R.; Bledsoe, J. K.; Mangelson, K.; Miller, L.; Stevens, B.; LeMonte, J.J.; Demster, J.; Kayastha, V.; Landorf, C.; Gibbons, S.; Cox, C. 2019. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of CNT‑Based Materials and Sensors In LCA XIX, American Council on Life Cycle Assessment: Tucson, AZ, USA.
  • Wilkens, J.L.; McQueen, A.D.; Suedel, B.C.; LeMonte, J.J. 2019. The Presence of Microplastics in Bottom Sediments from US Waterways. Western Dredging Association 2019 Dredging Summit & Expo: Chicago, IL, USA.
  • LeMonte, J. J.; M.A. Chappell; C.L. Price; T.A. Douglas; K.J. Indest. Thermal Cycling Impacts on Contaminant Fate and Transport in Arctic Soils. 2019. Cold Regions Science & Engineering. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH.
  • LeMonte, J.J.; J.M. Seiter; B.L. Lafferty; M.A. Chappell. 2018. Soil Science Applications for the U.S. Army. National Synchrotron Light Source II, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Synchrotron in Environmental science VII. Upton, NY, USA.
  • Suedel, B.C.; J.L. Wilkens; K. Pokrzywinksi; B.N. Stevens; M.L. Ballentine; J.J. LeMonte; E.B. Bergeaux. 2018. Initial survey of microplastics in bottom sediments from US waterways, SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, USA.
  • LeMonte, J. J.; C.L. Price; J.M. Seiter; F.H. Crocker; T.A. Douglas; M.A. Chappell. 2017. Biogeochemical Attributes that Affect the Fate and Transport of Military Relevant Contaminants Under Freeze-thaw Conditions. In American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract #H43F-1714; Dec. 2017. New Orleans, LA.
  • LeMonte, J. J.; M.A. Chappell; C.L. Price; T.A. Douglas; K.J. Indest. 2017. Thermal Cycling Impacts on Contaminant Fate and Transport in Arctic Soils. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 22-25 Oct. 2017; Tampa, FL. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Chappell, M.A.; J.J. LeMonte; B.N. Stevens; M.E. Negrete; B.E. Porter. 2017. Surface Complexation Theoretical Descriptions of the Sorption of Organic-Acid Munition Constituents on Variably Charged Surfaces: Preliminary Findings. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 22-25 Oct. 2017; Tampa, FL. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Middleton, M.A.; J.J. LeMonte; B.J. Lafferty. 2017. Effects of Soil Chemical Properties on Quartz Reststrahlen Band Response. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 22-25 Oct. 2017; Tampa, FL. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • LeMonte, J.J., J.W. Stuckey, R. Tappero, J. Rinklebe, and D.L. Sparks. 2016. Influence of Sea Level Rise on Arsenic Mobility in Coastal Soils. 251st ACS National Meeting and Exposition, Long Beach, CA, March 13-17. Oral Presentation.
  • Sanchez, J.Z., J.J. LeMonte, T.D. Sowers, J.W. Stuckey, D.L. Sparks. 2016. Impacts of a Shifting Redox Potential on Arsenic Sorption to Goethite. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 6-9 Nov. 2016; Phoenix, AZ. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Yu, X; J.J. LeMonte; J.W. Stuckey; D.L. Sparks; J. Cargill; C.J. Russoniello; H.A. Michael. 2016. Hydrologic Controls On Arsenic Cycling Due To Tidal Fluctuation. 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, August 21-25.
  • Michael, H.A.; X. Yu; J.J. LeMonte; D.L. Sparks; A. Seyfferth; K.H. Kim; J. Heiss; W.J. Ullman; J.A. Guimond. 2016. Geochemical response to hydrologic change along landsea interfaces, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec.12-16.
  • Stuckey, J.; J.J. LeMonte; X. Yu; M. Schaefer; B.D. Kocar; S.G. Benner; J. Rinklebe; R. Tappero; H.A. Michael; S.E. Fendorf; D.L. Sparks. 2016. Hydrologically Controlled Arsenic Release in Deltaic Wetlands and Coastal Riparian Zones, AGU Fall, San Francisco, CA, Dec.12-16.
  • LeMonte, J.J., J.W. Stuckey, X. Yu, H.A. Michael, R. Tappero, J. Rinklebe, and D.L. Sparks. 2015. Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Arsenic Mobility and Cycling. 24th National Science Foundation EPSCoR National Conference, Portsmouth, NH, Nov 1-3. Poster Presentation.
  • LeMonte, J.J., R. Tappero and D.L. Sparks. 2015. Potential Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Arsenic Mobility and Cycling. 249th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, Denver, CO, March 22-26. Oral Presentation.
  • Perez, V.W.; D.L. Sparks; J.J. LeMonte. 2015. Sea Level Rise, Pollution, and Environmental Justice Communities. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New York City, NY, Feb 26-Mar 1.
  • Yu, X.; J.J. LeMonte; D.L. Sparks; J.G. Cargill; H.A. Michael. 2015. Potential Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Contaminant Mobility and Groundwater Pollution. The Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Nov 1-4.
  • LeMonte, J.J., R. Tappero and D.L. Sparks. 2014. Impact of Sea Level Rise on Contaminant Mobility and Cycling. DOE Triennial Review of NSLS and NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, Sept. 23-26.
  • LeMonte, J.J. and D.L. Sparks. 2014. Impact of Sea Level Rise on Contaminant Mobility and Cycling. World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju Island, South Korea, June 8-14. Oral Presentation.
  • LeMonte, J.J. and D.L. Sparks. 2014. Impact of Sea Level Rise on Contaminant Mobility and Cycling. 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju, Korea, June 8-13.
  • Ransom, C.J.; R.E. Terry; V.D. Jolley; T. Story; B.G. Hopkins; J.J. LeMonte. 2013. Photoacoustic Infrared Spectroscopy to Continuously Measure Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions from Soil. ASA-CSSA-SSSA. Tampa, FL.
  • Ransom, C.J.; B.G. Hopkins; T.W. Taysom; J.J. LeMonte. 2013. Polymer Coated Urea (ESN): Impacts on Potato Crop and N Losses. In Proceedings of the Western Nutrient Management Conference (WNMC); Vol. 10. Reno, NV.
  • Sparks, D.L., C. Chen, O. Lazareva, J.J. LeMonte, J.J. Dynes, J. Wang, and T. Regier. 2012. The Role of Metal Redox Coupling Processes in Carbon Cycling and Stabilization, The 22nd V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 24-29.
  • Lazareva, O.; D.L. Sparks; A. Aufdenkampe; K. Yoo; S. Hicks; J. Kan; J.J. LeMonte; W. Pan; C. Chen. 2012. Biogeochemical Transformation of Fe- and Mn- Along a Redox Gradient: Implications for Carbon Sequestration within the Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. 243rd ACS National Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California, March 25 - 29.
  • Ransom, C.J.; J.J. LeMonte; L.E. Sutton; B.G. Hopkins; V.D. Jolley; B.L. Webb. 2012. Turf response to reduced rates of polymer coated urea. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 21-24 Oct. 2012; Cincinnati, OH. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Hopkins, B.G. and LeMonte, J.J. 2012. Nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency and greenhouse/reactive N gas losses in potato production. In Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Potato Association of America; 14-18 Aug.; Wilmington, NC. Orono, ME: Potato Association of America. Am. J. Potato Res. 89: 38.
  • LeMonte, J.J.; V.D. Jolley; R.E. Terry; B.G. Hopkins. 2011. Polymer Coated Urea in Grass Systems: Reduction of N2O Emissions. . In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 16-19 Oct. 2011; San Antonio, TX. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • LeMonte, J.J.; B.G. Hopkins; J.S.C. Summerhays; V.D. Jolley. 2011. Polymer coated urea: Impacts on air/water quality with surface application to permanent sod. In Proceedings of the Western Nutrient Management Conference (WNMC); 3-4 Mar. 2011; Reno, NV. Norcross, GA: International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI).9:122-128.
  • LeMonte, J.J.; B.G. Hopkins; V.D. Jolley. 2011. Polymer coated urea (ESN): Increase in nitrogen use efficiency and potato tuber size and quality. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 16-19 Oct. 2011; San Antonio, TX. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA. (Invited)
  • Ransom, C.J.; J.J. LeMonte; B.G. Hopkins; T.M. Story; V.D. Jolley; R.E. Terry. 2011. Photoacoustic infrared spectroscopy to continuously measure nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions from soil. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 16-19 Oct. 2011; San Antonio, TX. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Story, T.M.; B.G. Hopkins; J.J. LeMonte. 2011. Polymer coated urea in grass systems: reduction of ammonia volatilization. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 16-19 Oct. 2011; San Antonio, TX. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Hopkins, B.G.; J.J. LeMonte. 2011. Global importance and progress of reducing anthropogenic emissions of nitrous oxide. (Oral presentation.) In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 16-19 Oct. 2011;San Antonio, TX. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA. (Invited)
  • LeMonte, J.J.; T.W. Taysom; B.G. Hopkins. 2010. Polymer coated urea in potato. In Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Potato Association of America; 15-19 Aug. 2010; Corvallis, OR. Orono, ME: Potato Association of America. Am. J. Potato Res. 88:51.
  • LeMonte, J.J.; B.G. Hopkins; J.S.C. Summerhays; V.D. Jolley; R.E. Terry. 2010. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions from turfgrass: Urea vs. polymer coated urea. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 31 Oct.- 4 Nov.; ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.
  • Hill, M.W.; B.G. Hopkins; J.J. LeMonte; T.J. Hopkins; V.D. Jolley; B.L. Webb. 2010. Phosphorus flux in soil increased with organic acid complexation. . In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 31 Oct.- 4 Nov.; Long Beach, CA. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Hill, M.W.; C.J. Ransom; L.A. Babbel; J.J. LeMonte; B.G. Hopkins. 2010. Phosphorus use efficiency improvement with organic acid ligand exchange. (Oral presentation.) In Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Potato Association of America; 15-19 Aug.; Corvallis, OR. Orono, ME: Potato Association of America. Am. J. Potato Res. 88:44.
  • Hopkins, B.G.; J.J. LeMonte; J.S.C. Summerhays; V.D. Jolley; B.L. Webb. 2010. Nitrogen use efficiency in Kentucky bluegrass. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 31 Oct.- 4 Nov. 2010; Long Beach, CA. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Ransom, C.J.; B.G. Hopkins; J.J. LeMonte; V.D. Jolley; B.L. Webb; L.A. Babbel. 2010. Improving phosphorus use efficiency with organic acid complexation: Corn. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meetings; 31 Oct. - 4 Nov.; Long Beach, CA. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Summerhays, J.S.C.; J.J. LeMonte; B.G. Hopkins; V.D. Jolley; B.L. Webb. 2010. Nitrogen use efficiency and potato yield with polymer coated urea. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 31 Oct. - 4 Nov.; Long Beach, CA. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Hill, M.W.; J.J. LeMonte; B.G. Hopkins. 2010. Reducing phosphorus use in the environment: Increasing phosphorus flux in soil with humic/fulvic acid ligand exchange. Life Sciences Poster Competition; 2010 Mar.; BYU College of Life Sciences, Provo, UT.
  • LeMonte, J.J.; B.G. Hopkins. 2010. Soil fertility as it relates to degradation of munition constituents. Department of Defense Seminar; 2010 Aug.; USACE ERDC, MS.
  • LeMonte, J.J., T.W. Taysom, B.G. Hopkins, V.D. Jolley, and B.L. Webb. 2009. Residual soil nitrate and potato yield with polymer coated urea. In Proceedings of the Western Nutrient Management Conference (WNMC); 4-5 Mar. 2009; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Norcross, GA: International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI). 8:77-81.
  • LeMonte, J.J.; B.G. Hopkins; R.E. Terry; V.D. Jolley; B.L. Webb; J.R. Buck. 2009. Nitrous oxide and ammonia emission reduction with polymer coated urea. In Abstracts, ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 1-5 Nov. 2009; Pittsburgh, PA. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • LeMonte, J.J., T.W. Taysom; B.G. Hopkins; V.D. Jolley; B.L. Webb. 2008. Residual soil nitrate and potato yield with polymer coated urea (ESN). In Abstracts ASA•CSSA•SSSA International Annual Meeting; 5-9 Oct. 2008; Houston, TX. Madison, WI: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • Hopkins, B.G., T. W. Taysom, and J.J. LeMonte. 2009. Fertilizer economics and environmental quality issues. Long Island New York Agricultural Forum; Riverhead, NY.
  • Hopkins, B.G.; T.W. Taysom; J.J. LeMonte. 2009. Nutrient management: Reducing air and water quality impacts. BYU Plant & Wildlife Sciences Department Seminar; Provo, UT.
  • Hopkins, B.G.; T.W. Taysom; J.J. LeMonte. 2009. Maximizing fertilizer dollars and minimizing environmental impacts. Idaho Potato Conference; Pocatello, ID.
  • Hopkins, B.G.; T.W. Taysom; J.J. LeMonte. 2009. Methods of improving nutrient use efficiency: Reducing fertilizer costs and environmental impacts. Long Island New York Agricultural Forum; Riverhead, NY.
  • Hopkins, B.G.; T.W. Taysom; J.J. LeMonte. 2009. Hooked on high fertilizer rates? Time to break the habit: farm-environment benefits. Idaho Potato Conference; Pocatello, ID.
  • Hopkins, B.G.; J.J. LeMonte; C.J. Rosen; D.A. Horneck; S. Menasha; C. Hutchinson; M. Konschuh. 2008. Review of polymer coated urea research on potato: Yield, tuber quality, and impacts on air and water environmental parameters. Agrium Researcher Roundtable; Houston, TX.

Mentoring Experience

  • Mentor, Mr. Austen Lambert, Brigham Young University, Undergraduate in Environmental Science, August 2020 – Present.
  • Graduate Committee Member, Ms. Christine Miller, University of Florida, M.S. Student Soil and Water Sciences, August 2019 – Present.
  • Mentor, Mr. Daniel Carey, Texas A&M University Undergraduate in Environmental Engineering, ERDC-EL, June 2020 – August 2020.
  • Mentor, Dr. Ranju Karna, ERDC-EL, ORISE Post-doctoral Fellow, January 2019 – August 2020.
  • Mentor, Ms. Maggie Waites, ERDC-EL, College Qualified Leaders (Texas A&M University recent graduate), Army Educational Outreach Program, June – August 2020.
  • Mentor, Mr. Connor Clark, ERDC-EL, College Qualified Leaders (Mississippi State University Undergraduate), Army Educational Outreach Program, June – August 2019.
  • Mentor, Ms. Hope Wason, ERDC-EL, Summer Student (University of Lynchburg Undergraduate), June – August 2019.
  • Mentor, Ms. Kimberly Harris, ERDC-EL, Baltimore District, Dept. of the Army CP-18 intern, July-August 2018.
  • Mentor, Colton Van Wagoner, ERDC-EL, Student Contractor (Brigham Young University Undergraduate Student), May-August 2018.
  • Mentor, Jyra White, ERDC-EL, Student Contractor (University of Memphis Undergraduate Student), July 2016 – Present.
  • Mentor, Madeleine Gaul, ERDC-EL, Student Contractor (Mississippi State University Undergraduate Student) July 2016-December 2018.
  • Mentor, Sarah Davis, ERDC-EL, Student Contractor (Mississippi College Undergraduate Student) July 2016-December 2018.
  • Mentor, Austin Douglas, ERDC-EL, Student Contractor (Jackson State University Undergraduate Student), October 2017-January 2018.
  • Mentor, Sarah Bartholomew, ERDC-EL, Student Contractor (BYU/Purdue University Graduate Student), April-August 2017.
  • Mentor, Benjamin Wendt, University of Delaware, NSF EPSCoR Summer Scholar Program. April – August 2015.
  • Mentor, Prian Esquivel, Florida A&M University, NSF EPSCoR Summer Scholar Program. June - August 2014.
  • Mentor, Miles Wang, Wilmington Charter High School, University of Delaware Environmental Soil Chemistry Lab. July - August 2014.